Discovery Tour:

Discovery Tour:
The Imaginarium

Imaginarium by daniel j kirk and Katie Green

After winning an open call to Alberta artists, cSPACE commissioned Imaginarium from artists Katie Green and daniel j Kirk. Supported by the City of Calgary 1% Public Art Policy, the artwork is included in the permanent collection of the Alberta Foundation for the Arts.

Imaginarium is a mixed media installation creating a space devoted to the imagination. It reaches up all four storeys of cSPACE’s stairwell. In it you can see techiques used like low relief, collage, built material, light and shadow (LED lighting), silhouettes and screens.

The artists reached out to the community of Marda Loop and the tenants of cSPACE for inspiration. They wanted to know how people relate to their own creativity. Neighbours and tenants used onsite studio space for drawing sessions inspiring the project. Kids from the on site Montessori school shared their visions too.

The artists distilled participant stories from the sessions into their own visual interpretations. The result is what you see here.

What do you see in the Imaginarium that sparks your own imagination?


Meet the Artists: Katie Green & daniel j. kirk

daniel j. kirk and Katie Green are two visual artists who work under the banner of Blank Page Studio. The team has numerous public artworks displayed around Calgary, including THE FIELD MANUAL (collaborative mural and installation part of the Riverwalk Public Art Program), the Bowness Public Library mural, and kirk’s most recent mural on 9th avenue in Inglewood.